Blue & Green Lloyd Athletic Club Logo - Horizontal

LAST CHANCE!! Our New Years Special Ends Feb. 28th

You'll have to wait a whole year for this deal to come around! 6 WHOLE MONTHS FREE & ZERO ENROLLMENT FEE!

Portland Public Schools Employee Special - $10 off all monthly memberships!

Teachers, School Bus Drivers, Administrators, etc.

Lloyd Athletic Club offers 5 racquetball/handball, 3 squash, and 2 wallyball/pickleball courts. We have challenge court nights, open play times where you can drop in an play players of all levels, box leagues, ladders, and in-house league play and city league play.

We have an active group of players of all levels who keep the racquet programs strong and growing. They all want new players therefore are super nice and friendly and will help you learn the club’s court etiquette.

Racquet sports are a very social part of the club with the lobby area in front of both back wall glass courts. There is Bar where after your match you can grab a protein shake, gatorade,  or one of our 4 Local Beers on Tap before you hit the hot-tub, steam-room, or sauna! Life is Good!

We think that due to our location, our players, and the clubs set-up, we are the best Gym in Portland for Squash, Racquetball, and Handball. Come check us out. Free Day pass to first time visitors and local residents. Month to Month or punch-card membership options available in case you belong to a different club but still want to play LAC once in a while. We hope to see you soon!

Click the link above in order to book your court!
We use to manage our courts and you will need to be a member or at least a punch-card holder (10 visits for $125) to reserve a Squash, Racquetball, Handball, Pickleball, or Wallyball Court. Once you apply for access to our courts on clublocker we will verify your info and approve your request. It usually takes less than 48 hours. 


Lloyd Athletic Club offers five racquetball courts with challenge nights, open play and in-house league play and tournaments. We’re also the host site for the Oregon State Racquetball Championships held each year in March. An active group of players of all levels keep the program strong and growing and are always looking for new players.

Reservations can be made through
Walk-in play welcome based on availability. Open courts are generally available without reservations during the day and weekends. Monday/Wed/Friday nights are generally very busy.

Court play is for one hour and starts either on the hour or the ½ hour

Racquet stringing is available through the front desk and it completed very quickly.

Protective eyewear is highly recommended and is mandatory for junior players

Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced Lessons

One Hour: $69, discounted packages available.

The session includes all the fundamentals, including rules, forehand & backhand swings, drilling, court position, and serves & return of serves as well. It is important for players of all levels to learn and analyze the fundamentals of the game at some point in their racquetball career, so many players schedule a two-hour session, especially for the first lesson. This will give you time to play a practice game, giving you a chance to use what you’ve just learned!

Fundamentals Bootcamp: Swing Mechanics & Video Analysis

Two Sessions, Two Hours Each: $190
A mechanics and video analysis session is essential for any serious racquetball player, from beginner to Open level. Being able to watch yourself play, see your swing slowed down (both forehand and backhand), and analyze your shot selection gives you instant access to correcting your game quicker and easier than months or even years of practice. Learning proper swing mechanics–from grip to follow through–and seeing your game for yourself is essential to finding and playing at your best level.

Junior Lessons
One Hour: $35 (two hours, or two juniors at once: $60)
Junior players, ages 6-18 years, are taught the basics of racquetball, strategy, safety, and sportsmanship. All levels are welcome, from the beginner to the advanced player. This is a remarkable program from which a junior player can gain a substantial amount of skill development for any sport, as well as a healthy love for the game of racquetball!

Group Lessons, One Hour

Two People: $35/each Three to Four People: $25/each  Five to Eight People: $15/each

Contact For Lessons: Charlie Pratt: 971-219-7952 (Text ok) or

L.A.C. Racquetball Leagues
Racquetball leagues are run ongoing here at the club with no fees to participants. Throughout the year there are four leagues: two in the Winter and two in Summer/Spring.

Leagues are arranged by skill level from Beginner to Open/A. Players can join or drop out each time a new league season begins, and all leagues are set up as Flex Leagues. This means matches are usually played once a week, and each player coordinates with their opponent for that coming week to schedule a time play that works for both of them.


Lloyd Athletic Club offers three squash courts with challenge nights, in-house league play, box leagues, ladders, and city league play. We have an active group of players of all levels who keep the program strong and growing.

Reservations can be made through

Walk-in play welcome based on availability
Court play is for one hour and begins either on the hour or the ½ hour
Racquet stringing is available through the front desk and is completed very quickly.

Protective eyewear is highly recommended and is mandatory for junior players

L.A.C. Squash Leagues

Leagues are arranged in groups of six of equal skill level. As new leagues begin, players move up or down a box depending on how they finished in the previous league. This keeps boxes competitive as you advance in play.

Sign up today for our current league! These are open and new players will be added each time a new league starts.

Squash Lessons

$60.00/45 minutes
$40.00/30 minutes

$15.00/45 minutes

Text 503-403-9040 to inquire about lessons and coaches

Squash Open Play

The squash courts are reserved for open play (you are welcome to join others, no reservation needed) every Monday from 4:15pm – 8:15pm. Players can drop in and sign up in the court vestibule to play others whom are here for challenge court. Play is broken up from Beginner to Advanced depending on the court you sign up on. It’s open to all players and is a great way to meet others and test your skills.

Portland City Squash League
Visit for details:

L.A.C. is a host site for the Portland City Squash League on Wednesday nights from 6:15pm – 8:30pm on all three courts.

Participation is organized through the Portland City Squash League and held in the Fall and Winter for approximately nine weeks each season. The league has two divisions with nine teams each. Division One teams with five players each comprise the A-B standard. Division Two with five players each comprise the C-D standard. Members of each team are ranked accordingly, with the highest caliber players to compete in the #1 position. Summer league (Round Robin format) runs on a tentative schedule from June until September. This is a great way to play new people and get a chance to travel to other clubs in our area

Squash Contacts

L.A.C. Squash Leagues and lessons:
Scott Manzano
phone: 503-913-1484 (text ok)

Portland City Squash League and Squash Racquet Re-Stringing:
Rod & Ellen Zaharchuk or Colin Freestone at:


Open court play: Sunday 9-11 am Court #3


Handball is HUGE at LAC!

We have 5 courts and Handball Challenge Court play is held Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10am-12pm and 3:30pm-6:30pm, and Sunday morning from 9am-11am. Anyone can show up and you will get matched up with players of similar levels.

Handball lessons are available by appointment. Contact handball coordinator Nick Flores for more information or to schedule a lesson.

Handball Coordinator

Nick Flores
503-449-8308 (text ok)

Official Handball Rules

Four-Wall Rulebook

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